Transform Your Water with a Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water System...

And Create Delicious, Healthy Water Free of up to 99% of Common Contaminants found in Rio Grande Valley water.

AWA Purification Technologies offers a variety of installed drinking water systems designed to remove contaminants from the water your family drinks. Installed drinking water systems can be tucked away under the kitchen counter or in the basement.

The perfect complement to a water softener for the water-conscious family is a reverse osmosis drinking water system. Our exclusive line of reverse osmosis water purifier systems are specifically designed to provide clean, clear, better-tasting drinking water by removing more than 95% of dissolved solids including many harmful contaminants. Now you can have bottle-quality water at your tap.

Transform Your Water with a Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water System...

And Create Delicious, Healthy Water Free of up to 99% of Common Contaminants found in Rio Grande Valley water.

AWA Purification Technologies offers a variety of installed drinking water systems designed to remove contaminants from the water your family drinks. Installed drinking water systems can be tucked away under the kitchen counter or in the basement.

The perfect complement to a water softener for the water-conscious family is a reverse osmosis drinking water system. Our exclusive line of reverse osmosis water purifier systems are specifically designed to provide clean, clear, better-tasting drinking water by removing more than 95% of dissolved solids including many harmful contaminants. Now you can have bottle-quality water at your tap.

With an AWA Purification Technologies Mare 1 Reverse Osmosis System you get:

  • Tankless continuous water running out of the spigot
  • LED lights that will tell you when the different cartridges have completed their live cycle
  • Half twist easy-to-change cartridges
  • Two electric pumps will keep a steady 60 psi pressure
  • Improved taste with Coconut Shell Activated Carbon
  • Two filters eliminate most unwanted suspended and dissolved solids present in tap water
  • 99.99% water free of unhealthy contaminants
  • A finishing touch from nature adding minerals back into your water to boost your overall health

Here's How Reverse Osmosis Works:

  1. Household water is directed through a pre-filter for filtration to remove sediment, chlorine taste and odor, and particulate matter.
  2. The water is then forced, by pressure, through a semi-permeable membrane where a high percentage of the dissolved solids and other contaminants are rejected and flushed to the drain.
  3. Final polishing of the water is accomplished by an activated carbon absorption block filter removing tastes and odors. The water passes through this final filtering process immediately before going to the faucet whether it comes directly from the unit or from the storage tank.
  4. The automatic shut-off control shuts down the system when the storage tank is filled and water is not being drawn. This “demand production” feature conserves water by eliminating the constant running to the drain found in some units. The control also depressurizes the membrane when not in service extending the membrane life and reducing the need for maintenance of your reverse osmosis water purifier.

AWA Purification Technologies offers a broad range of reverse osmosis purification systems. These products reduce substances such as chlorine taste, sediment, nitrates, lead, cysts, and detergents. Standard systems go to 75 gallons a day and can be upgraded to 100 a day. Can also an upgrade an ro system with uv 8 watt.

Hague H350 Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water System

Mare I - Reverse Osmosis System
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Mare II

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Mare III

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Mare IV

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Mare V

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Don’t Forget to Replace Your Cartridges & Filters!

Fill out the form below or call (956) 304-6491 for more information & a free quote!

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Verified Reviews


"Incredible taste in your water. The smell my water well was giving is gone. Definitely worth it!" - Irma Ortiz


"Excellent services and good quality equipment. Now my family have clean and healthy water, we can tell the difference now. Skin soft, my hair the clothes very clean, and my family feeling healthy." - Eunice Elias


"Amazing customer service enjoying alkaline water it really changed my life." - Isa


"I can get the ice and water at the same place." - Juan Gonzales

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